When I look into your eyes I see an imprint
An imprint of lifes heavy hand imparing your vision
When I look into your eyes I see a smile
A smile enslaved by melancholy
Screaming to be free from the agony
When I look into your eyes I see a flower
A smile enslaved by melancholy
Screaming to be free from the agony
When I look into your eyes I see a flower
A flower trapped in shade's net,
Yearning for sunlight like a drowning man gasping for breath
Yearning for sunlight like a drowning man gasping for breath
When I look into your eyes I see a mirror
A mirror reflecting the ramification of pain and hardship
That your life has been adorned with
That your life has been adorned with
When I look into your eyes I see hope
I see hope smothered by a blanket of depression,
Yet endeavouring to peer through its linen
Yet endeavouring to peer through its linen
When I look into your eyes I see a bird traped in cages of inhibition
Incapable of experincing the exstacy of the wind, Its undecided decisions
When I look into your eyes I see smoke
Smoke flurring from your inate flame of greatness that burns unperceived
Like a tree ingnorant of its leaves
In your eyes I see a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted by vanity
Incapable of resisting, it pulls you down like gravity
In your eyes I see scars stored
The scars garnered from the falls you've endured
In your eyes I see scars stored
The scars garnered from the falls you've endured
When I look into your eyes I see a soldier marching on a slim diet
With feet that are heavy but with steps that are quiet
In your eyes I see with clarity,
rumors of happiness that you prevent from entering the ears of reality
When I look into your eyes I see a child crying and each
Droplet of tears is a poem of sadness expressing the unexpressed
Emotions that hardened your heart, but in reality mainly due to pride
The heart is still hardened because that child never cried
In your eyes I see with clarity,
rumors of happiness that you prevent from entering the ears of reality
When I look into your eyes I see a child crying and each
Droplet of tears is a poem of sadness expressing the unexpressed
Emotions that hardened your heart, but in reality mainly due to pride
The heart is still hardened because that child never cried
When I look into your eyes I see precipitation, then I realize fast
Its just a reflection of the clouds in your skys telling stories of the past
When I look into your eyes I'm surprise by what I see
for I realize im infront of a mirror, so I'm seeing....

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.